Performance Consultation / Overall Needs Analysis
Synopsis: To determine whether training or other interventions could address the business challenge, I conducted a structured needs analysis. This involved examining data, engaging stakeholders, and gathering insights from the target audience. My focus was on three key questions:
• What onboarding support have CTMs received?
• What do new CTMs need to know and do to be successful?
• What are common pain points and errors for new CTMs?
• What do new CTMs need to know and do to be successful?
• What are common pain points and errors for new CTMs?
Roles: Data analyst, interviewer, investigator, surveyor, root cause analyst
Tools: Excel, SurveyMonkey, WebEx, in-person meetings, listening sessions

LMS data showing the audience's completions for the three previous years
Comparison of data collected across a five-year gap showed lack of improvement
Audience's self-reported usage of existing learning resources
Skills and knowledge prioritization reported by experienced CTMs

Qualitative analysis of written comments in the audience survey. I did this the hard way, prior to GPTs and AI bots.
Learner persona derived from synthesis of data I collected during the front-end needs analysis
Stakeholder Workshops: Defining Business Goals & Learning Objectives
Synopsis: To establish clear business goals, high-level learning objectives, and priority curriculum topics, I facilitated two interactive, four-hour workshops with the advisory committee and executive stakeholders. These sessions involved collaborative discussions, idea generation, and consensus-building activities.
Roles: Workshop facilitator, notetaker and synthesizer, business and learning analyst
Tools: Mural, PowerPoint, WebEx, SharePoint, Microsoft Office, Mural
Learning Solution Design & Alignment
Synopsis: To ensure the learning solution effectively supported business goals, I synthesized insights from multiple sources to identify skill, knowledge, and process gaps affecting performance. I evaluated existing training programs in the context of learner needs and relevant data. Collaborating with executive stakeholders, I defined business objectives, learning outcomes, and measurement methods. I then scoped and sequenced curriculum topics, outlined processes, identified necessary resources, set timelines, and clarified project roles. Additionally, I recommended cross-team collaboration on non-training interventions to create a more integrated and impactful learning experience.
Roles: Learning solution architect, curriculum and program designer, project manager and stakeholder liaison
Tools: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Snagit, Excel

Course Design, Content Development, Team Leadership, & Project Management
Synopsis: This project required building a curriculum from the ground up with minimal existing source material. I assembled and led cross-functional teams of subject matter experts, managing their involvement in content development and iteration cycles. Using Agile project management and Design Thinking, I guided teams through structured development sprints (12–24 hours over 12 weeks) to produce finalized courses in on-demand eLearning, virtual instructor-led, and in-person formats. Throughout the process, I promoted the curriculum, gathered user and stakeholder feedback, piloted and refined courses based on data, fostered cross-organizational partnerships, maintained schedules, kept contributors aligned, reported progress to the C-suite, and collaborated with a parallel team to integrate leadership courses into the curriculum.
Roles: Facilitator and team leader, design lead and co-developer, project manager and strategic coordinator, curriculum promoter and engagement strategist, instructional coach
Tools: SharePoint, Smartsheet, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Teams, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, One Drive, Articulate Rise, Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, Adobe Illustrator, Mural, Snagit, Photoshop, Slack, Degreed, SumTotal

Program Delivery and Handoff
Synopsis: Successfully delivering this large-scale project to the Director for Engineering & Science and the CTM Support Office Director at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) was a major milestone. As part of the handoff, I provided a comprehensive Program Owner Guide and Revision Cycle Guide, along with a Road Show deck and a detailed document linking each core technical course to its overview. The overviews included learning objectives, SME contacts, course modality, and duration. I also granted ownership and editing access to a Degreed page I designed as a centralized curriculum hub for learners. To support marketing, I created a PowerPoint synopsis for the program owner to present to division leaders.
Roles: Video overview script writer, design partner, post-production editor, process document contributor and reviewer, Degreed page designer and developer, program delivery and promotion lead.
Tools: Camtasia, PowerPoint, Word, Microsoft Teams
The purpose of this curriculum overview was to provide a brief orientation for learners as they began the learning path. Additionally, it was placed in the roadshow deck I made for the program owner to socialize and promote the curriculum.
[Placeholder for the Program Owner Guide]
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
[Placeholder for the Revision Cycle Guide]
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
[Placeholder for the Roadshow Deck]
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
Note: This artifact has not yet been released by NASA-JPL for inclusion in my public-facing portfolio.
Promotion Cross-Team and Enterprise-Wide
Synopsis: To support the CTM Support Office in reaching our shared target audience, I created course-specific flyers for each technical course in the curriculum. These flyers were added to online resource folders managed by the CTM Support Office, which contained guides and reference materials for CTMs. For folders directly related to courses in the Essential Knowledge Series for CTMs, I included key details such as the course name, format, length, learning objectives, and a screenshot showing where the course appeared within the curriculum landing page. Additionally, I collaborated with communications leads to promote the curriculum on the internal company website homepage, in Slack, and through digital posters in high-traffic areas, such as cafes. Lastly, I provided a "roadshow" deck to the program owner [That deck is still undergoing the review/approval process that will enable me to share it in this portfolio].
Roles: Strategic partner and collaborator, curriculum promoter and engagement lead, learner experience advocate
Tools: Degreed, Snagit, Word, Alfresco, Slack