Synopsis: This interactive diagram provides both an overview of and details about the ADDIE mode of course design and development. It was one of my first Storyline builds (2019). If I were to update it, I would follow WCAG, provide instructions, and tidy up the graphics.
Synopsis: This video summary of Andragogy, the theory of adult learning, is an effective vehicle for delivering a high-level overview. If I were to revise it, I would follow WCAG and tidy up the capitalization use and wording for improved clarity.
Synopsis: This description of the Dick and Carey Model of instructional systems design is rough around the edges in terms of video development. I leave it in my portfolio for the content it provides and to show style contrast with the video summaries on either side of this item. 
Synopsis: This summary of the Understanding by Design Model of curriculum design would be useful in an eLearning course or live class to introduce the topic. The style would have to suit the audience (adapting the colors and music accordingly). An alert regarding the many moving graphics, as well as an alternate method of receiving the same information, would be provided in accordance with inclusive design principles. 

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